Unlock Your Children Skills with Coding & Design

Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Transform gaming activity into challenging and useful coding & design activities with our StarLab’s Mentors.

Our Class

Design Class

  • Design for SD
  • Design for SMP
  • Design from SMA

Coding Class

  • Coding for SD
  • Coding for SMP
  • Coding from SMA

Python Class

  • Python for SMA

Begineer Design

Basic Shape Modeling

Intermediate Design

Sculpting, Detail Modeling

Advanced Design

Advanced shape, lightning

Begineer Coding

Basic computer logic

Intermediate Coding

Introduction to code building

Advanced  Coding

Advanced code building and code library extensions

Are you ready to take the leap? 👉


Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Transform Your Skills, Shape Your Future!🚀
Unlock your potential and achieve your goals with expert guidance and hands-on learning at Starlab.

👉 Start your coding journey today! 💡

Join Starlab today and start building your future! 🚀
